Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Back in the States

I am not back in the states; however, a number of teachers from ICSB are making the trip back to the states because they have been unable to get their visas here in Hungary. A family left in January and will be returning very soon- yay! But, last week we lost 2 science teachers (husband and wife, middle and high school). This week we're losing another high school science teacher, our 4th grade teacher, our 1st grade teacher, and our 3rd grade teacher. Currently we have two other teachers who have duplicate passports who are trying to get a visa through a complicated process with those. Basically we need your prayer. As teachers leave, parents step in to sub for the classes, other teachers pick up the slack, and the school feels the loss of many of its staff. We need your prayer that the students will continue to receive a thorough education as their classroom teachers are gone. We also need prayer that the individuals who travel to the states will both be safe and return quickly. Pray that their visas are issued quickly. We need them back with us. Of course, it will be a stressful but good trip home for our teachers. While they will enjoy the break, they will be stressed about lesson plans and tests. I can't imagine leaving my classes for anywhere from 2-6 weeks! I'm going to miss my friends, but the school is going to miss its teachers more...please be praying fevently for all the necessary things to occur quickly - but most of all, in God's timing. He's provided for us thus far- we trust He'll get us through.

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