Monday, February 12, 2007

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Last week was dynamic. We had a guest speaker, Don Stubbs, from Chicago, IL come to lead us daily in study of God's Word. We cancelled classes in order to have an hour chapel everyday for worship and learning. Don truly has a talent for speaking the truth. He chased tangets every other second, but he always brought it back to a fundamental Biblical principle. It continuously caught me off guard and challenged my thought process, my mind, and my heart. This biggest concept that continues to torment me from his teaching is the idea of pursuing characteristics of Christ. He read Col 3:12 and explained the different characteristics which we should be pursuing as part of our pursuit of Christ. He also reminded us that our daily striving for these are a reflection of our love for Christ. These ideas inspired me to take my morning devotions with my 9th graders in a different direction. We're going to do word studies and set goals in attempting to grow in integrity and character. I long for my students to have a passion for Christ. With this desire, I must display my own passion. I must be pursuing my God wholeheartedly if I want to be an example for my students. Please keep us all in your prayers as we begin this spiritual adventure together.

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