Thursday, March 8, 2007

Prayer Petitions

Things have settled down around school- at least for a day. It seems that there is never a dull moment in the life of a school, thus there is never a dull moment in the life of a teacher (except perhaps when grading papers). Please read the following list of prayer requests...these are the ways you can be praying for our school and me personally! I appreciate all the prayers you've offered on my behalf thus far- it's comforting to have people petitioning God for my ministry.

1. Many teachers are gone because of visa issues. None have yet returned. Two more may be leaving closer to spring break. Please pray that classes are covered, visas are issued, and teacher return quickly!!
2. Planning! I need to work on my long-term planning. This will probably be a prayer request for the rest of my life...I'm not a futuristic person. But, for the benefit of my students and my sanity- I need to get a grasp on what the upcoming months look like for my classes. Please pray that I will be diligent in this task.
3. I have so much on my plate as I plan to return to ICSB next year. Please pray that the process of reapplying to the EFCA international mission would go smoothly and quickly. Please pray that I would be persistent and diligent in maintaining and establishing contacts for support next year. It also looks as if I may have to travel to Washington DC in order to apply for a visa renewal and to Minneapolis for a few days of mission training. So, as I plan for the summer, please pray I'll have wisdom.
4. I recently spent a week at the Jackson's house because the parents were traveling. In a week I'll have the opportunity to stay with the Bullock children as their parents are gone. While it is a lot of work to be a parent for a week, it's also a great learning experience because I get to see my students outside of the classroom. I'm able to observe their interaction with their siblings. I have gained new perspectives on my students from these experiences, pray that God will continue to use these times to build relstionships beyond the classroom.

Thanks again for all your prayers...they mean more to me than you can possibly know.

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